User Help

Welcome to the SkillsUSA Online Registration Help System!

Quick Start Membership Guide (PDF Version)

Membership Help

Schools, Training Programs and Members

The SkillsUSA Online Registration System breaks your memebership down into three basic levels - Schools, Training Programs, and Members (the actual Students and Professionals that make up the SkillsUSA membership).
  • School: If you are an Advisor, your login ID to this site (your email address) is usually tied to one School, and you can only see and edit the Member information within that School. That's why when you access the Membership page, there is only one School in the drop down list of Chapters.
  • Training Program: Each Training Program, or Class, that was registered with the National Office last year is listed in the grid associated with your Chapter. Just click the "Edit" link to the right side of the grid to view and edit the details about any Training Program.
  • Member: Each Member, both Professional and Student, will be listed under the corresponding Training Program. Click the "Members" link in the grid of Training Programs to view or add new Members. Each year in the fall the database is populated with the Professional members from last year only, since many of your Student members may move on from year to year. Simply verify the Professional member's information, and add all your Student members to complete your SkillsUSA rosters online.

Conference Registration Help

As a registered user, you may view, add, edit and delete information about contestants and participants, and the roles and activities they will be involved with at the National Championship competition.

To view Conference information, click on the Conference > My Registrations menu item at the top of the screen.

Conference Registrations

  • The Conference Registrations screen lists all participants and contestants sponsored by your school for any one particular Event. The listed information includes the person's name, the contest or event they are registered for, and their role in that event.
  • To add registrations for the National Competitions, click the "Add Registrant" button at the top of the Registration Information screen and see Registrant Details below.
  • Previously entered information can be sorted by any column of information that is underlined. For example, to sort the entries by name, simply click on the word "Name" at the top of the Name column.
  • You may also edit or change any previously entered information for your school. To edit information, simply click on the number under the word 'EDIT' located at the far left of each row or line of data. When you do this, you will next see the Registrant Details screen.

Registrant Details

  • The Registrant Details screen provides a form into which you can enter and change information about the person being registered. A Registrant Details form must be completed and submitted for all contestants and participants. The left side of the form should be completed for all participants and contestants.
  • The bottom portion of the Registrant Details screen includes an area that will display information about any contests for which the person has been registered. If you wish to register this person for a contest, click the 'Add Contest' button located at the lower left side of the page. You may also change or edit the information about this person's involvement in the listed contest by clicking the 'Edit' button at the far left of the contest information line. The entire line of contest information may be deleted, if appropriate, by clicking the 'Delete' button at the far right of the contest information line.

Competition Registration

  • The Competition Registration form allows you to select the specific contest for which to register a contestant or participant. Each of the required fields on the Competition Registration form includes a selection box that lets you select the appropriate information from a list. To see the list of available choices, click on the down pointing arrow at the right side of any of the information fields. Move your mouse up and down within the list to see all available choices. When you see the appropriate choice for a specific field, simply point your mouse to the choice you wish and click the mouse. After selecting a choice for all fields, click the Save button.
  • If you decide not to finish registering the person for a contest, simply click the Cancel button and your previous selections will be ignored and no contest registration will be completed. If you were editing a contest registration that had been previously entered, clicking the Cancel button will throw away any changes you made to the registration, and leave it as it was before you began to edit it.
  • To see the results of the information you have entered, you may click the Registrant button at the top of the screen and you will again see the complete list of registrations.

Helpful Hints:

  • When you have finished viewing and entering information, click the "Logout" button at the top of the screen to return to the Main Registration screen.
  • Like most web applications, the SkillsUSA Registration System has a session timer, so that if you don't interact with the application for more than 10 minutes, your session will terminate. If this happens, simply refresh your browser or return to the Login page and re-enter your credentials.
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